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                News classification>>

                Classification of relays

                Classified by size
                Name definition
                Miniature relay: a relay with the longest side size not greater than 10mm
                Subminiature relay: Relay with the longest dimension greater than 10mm, but not greater than 25mm
                Miniature relay: Relay with the longest side larger than 25mm, but not larger than 50mm

                Classification by contact load
                Name definition
                Micro power relay: Relay less than 0.2A
                Weak power relay: 0.2 ~ 2A relay
                Medium power relay: 2 ~ 10A relay
                High-power relay: relay above 10A

                Classified by use
                Name definition
                Communication relays (including high-frequency relays): The contact load range of this type of relays is from low to medium current, and the requirements for environmental use are not high.
                Industrial control relay: The relay used in industrial control has large contact load power and long life.
                Home appliance relays: Relays used in home appliances require good safety performance.
                Automotive relays: Relays used in automobiles. This type of relay has a large switching load power and high impact and vibration resistance.
