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                About Us classification>>

                      Xiamen Ruida Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. was established in June 2009. It is a technical enterprise engaged in the research and development, design, manufacturing, sales and service of special equipment for relays, contactors, sanitary and medical industries. The company is less than Xiamen North Station Fifteen minutes by car, convenient transportation and logistics.

                      The company has a group of innovative talents, currently holds 26 utility model patents, 2 invention patents, and has obtained GB / T19001 quality system certification and intellectual property management system certificate. Technology companies. We can provide customers with a full range of automation solutions including complete line project planning, technology development, and product production.

                     The companys main products are: appliance relays: 105F (T90T91T93) fully automatic production line, 32F fully automatic production line, 46F fully automatic production line, 102F fully automatic production line, 3F (T73) series fully automatic production line, 62F Automatic production lines, 115F (14F) automatic production lines; industrial control relays: 13F / 18F (52P / 53P / 54P) automatic production lines, 14FT automatic production lines; automotive relays: V6 automatic production lines, V4 automatic production lines, KA Automatic production lines, KC (RPP) automatic production lines; power relays: new energy relays and other automatic production lines. In addition, we have developed stand-alone and automatic production line equipment such as contactors, relay sockets, micro switches, low-voltage electrical, sanitary, and medical products. Our company has provided automated production lines for Hongfa, Sanyou, Chint, Delixi and other enterprises, which have been well received by customers.

                     The company continues to uphold the concept of "survive by quality, create a win-win situation with customers", and takes "innovation and progress, the pursuit of excellence" as its purpose, as always, to provide customers with satisfactory products and services! We are willing to work with you to become a long-term partner for continuous innovation and development, and grow together to create a win-win situation.
